Arrêté de cessation d'activité du sieur Scott Noarf
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Arrêté de cessation d'activité du sieur Scott Noarf
Au Château de Saint Cloud, ce 28 août 2012,
Sur le rapport de notre secrétaire d'Etat ;
Considérant que le sieur Scotty Noarf a omis de respecter et en conscience, violé plusieurs obligations élémentaires de la citoyenneté de notre Armée Impériale, notamment sur le nom et sa stabilité, le port du logo de l'ARMI, et la solidarité de clan, notamment en évitant de combattre avec d'autres citoyens-soldats de l'ARMI ou même en refusant de le faire ;
Considérant que, malgré les observations et rappels faits depuis début juin 2012, le sieur Scotty Noarf a persisté dans son comportement et l'a même aggravé ces derniers jours ;
Considérant que le sieur Scotty Noarf a ainsi violé les articles 5, 7, 10, 11 et 12 de notre Constitution impériale,
Le sieur Scotty Noarf ayant été dûment informé de cette décision (cf. infra, lettre),
DECRETONS ce qui suit :
Article 1 :
Le sieur Scotty Noarf, qui se présente depuis ce 27 août dernier sous le nom Steam de "ScottieLe-HottieNoarf.COP.", est exclu de notre Armée Impériale.
Article 2 :
Compte tenu des observations et rappels déjà faits, cette mesure prend effet immédiatement à compter de ce mardi 28 août 2012.
Article 3 :
Une réadmission du sieur Scotty Noarf, comme citoyen actif ("soldat") ou associé, ne sera pas examinée, sur demande de l'intéressé, avant le 1er octobre prochain.
Article 4 :
Le Secrétaire d'Etat est chargé de la bonne exécution du présent décret, qui sera publié dans le Moniteur, et, le cas échéant, dans tout autre recueil officiel de l'Empire.
Par et pour l'Empereur :
Le Secrétaire d'état.
________________________ (lettre de ce 28 août 2012 au sieur Scotty Noarf)_______________________
To Lieutenant de Vaisseau et de 2nde classe Scotty Noarf
Dear Lieutenant Scotty Noarf,
I have the regret to inform you of the end of your ARMI citizenship to ARMI, as an active member.
You cannot in effect, since several weeks, meet the basic requirements of the Armée Impériale, and in particular on the:
- name and the fact you must keep the same one(Constitution, Articles 10 and 12)
- wearing of our clan tag (Article 11);
- act of fighting with other members of the ARMI (Articles 5 and 7).
On the first point, I drew your attention several times: once early June, a second on June 25, and I now state that, during these last two weeks, you often changed name, sometimes up to once per day, and without having informed me beforehand.
Meanwhile, you, after having isolated the ARMI's tag in a new long personal name whose effect was that this tag no longer appeared on our screen, you simply abandoned it, again with no previous information.
Last, you showed, since June, an obvious unwillingness to fight with other members of the ARMI, up to refuse the request of the clan leader to join him and fight under the banner of ARMI.
These statements are to be added to a lack of effort toward the other members, outside battles: you do not contact them spontaneously when you get connected to NTW, or just to exchange a few words, etc..
Of course, you have three qualities, and you:
- are a very good sailor;
- like contacts and sent most of the invitations in the ARMI's Steam page;
- are a nice person, taken as an individual.
However, these qualities do not outweigh the disadvantages of your behavior because:
- as a very good sailor, you do nothing to benefit the clan of your value, but rather the allies that you select outside the clan (Wadmore, 95th, etc..). If your choice of partners is normally not the ARMI's affair, it becomes its matter when such choice prevents you to fulfill your clan member elementary obligations.
In addition, the few fights that you played under the ARMI's flag showed that you had difficulty to obey the group discipline.
- Being the best sender of invitations in our Steam page does not exempt you of your basic clan member obligations who should be your priority;
- The most pleasant fellow, but who mocks others and rules of group life, is not useful to any group.
You have been allocated many weeks to adapt your behavior and to the Armée Impériale. With a basic effort on your part, we could have studied together how to highlight your qualities for the best profit of the group. Unfortunately, you did not consent to this effort nor start any discussion concerning your possible problems in the group. This is a pity, for the ARMI had great expectations on you, as one of its key members.
In hindsight, it is hard to understand why you entered the Armée Impériale: you do not seem interested either by the clan discipline, by the concept "Imperial State + Military career", by the historical period, or by the art of war, or by learning the bases of French language, at least applied to our common field of interest.
I think that you will be able to blossom more in Steam groups whose members share at least one thing in common: having been invited by someone else. Maybe some pirates group may suit better your interests.
I am therefore sorry to inform you of the end of your ARMI citizenship, as an active member. In addition, you will be excluded from our Steam page, until next September 30, in order to give you time for thinking.
If you want then to come back either as an associate member - but if the Steam page keeps its current form (?) - or as an active one, the door will be still open for you from 1st October on. In the latter case, it is provided that you would observe, this time *strictly* and without delay, the Armée Impériale's basic and so reasonable obligations.
Truly yours, Scotty.
DDS, on behalf of
Hugues-Bernard Maret
Secrétaire d'Etat
Sur le rapport de notre secrétaire d'Etat ;
Considérant que le sieur Scotty Noarf a omis de respecter et en conscience, violé plusieurs obligations élémentaires de la citoyenneté de notre Armée Impériale, notamment sur le nom et sa stabilité, le port du logo de l'ARMI, et la solidarité de clan, notamment en évitant de combattre avec d'autres citoyens-soldats de l'ARMI ou même en refusant de le faire ;
Considérant que, malgré les observations et rappels faits depuis début juin 2012, le sieur Scotty Noarf a persisté dans son comportement et l'a même aggravé ces derniers jours ;
Considérant que le sieur Scotty Noarf a ainsi violé les articles 5, 7, 10, 11 et 12 de notre Constitution impériale,
Le sieur Scotty Noarf ayant été dûment informé de cette décision (cf. infra, lettre),
DECRETONS ce qui suit :
Article 1 :
Le sieur Scotty Noarf, qui se présente depuis ce 27 août dernier sous le nom Steam de "ScottieLe-HottieNoarf.COP.", est exclu de notre Armée Impériale.
Article 2 :
Compte tenu des observations et rappels déjà faits, cette mesure prend effet immédiatement à compter de ce mardi 28 août 2012.
Article 3 :
Une réadmission du sieur Scotty Noarf, comme citoyen actif ("soldat") ou associé, ne sera pas examinée, sur demande de l'intéressé, avant le 1er octobre prochain.
Article 4 :
Le Secrétaire d'Etat est chargé de la bonne exécution du présent décret, qui sera publié dans le Moniteur, et, le cas échéant, dans tout autre recueil officiel de l'Empire.
Par et pour l'Empereur :
Le Secrétaire d'état.
________________________ (lettre de ce 28 août 2012 au sieur Scotty Noarf)_______________________
To Lieutenant de Vaisseau et de 2nde classe Scotty Noarf
Dear Lieutenant Scotty Noarf,
I have the regret to inform you of the end of your ARMI citizenship to ARMI, as an active member.
You cannot in effect, since several weeks, meet the basic requirements of the Armée Impériale, and in particular on the:
- name and the fact you must keep the same one(Constitution, Articles 10 and 12)
- wearing of our clan tag (Article 11);
- act of fighting with other members of the ARMI (Articles 5 and 7).
On the first point, I drew your attention several times: once early June, a second on June 25, and I now state that, during these last two weeks, you often changed name, sometimes up to once per day, and without having informed me beforehand.
Meanwhile, you, after having isolated the ARMI's tag in a new long personal name whose effect was that this tag no longer appeared on our screen, you simply abandoned it, again with no previous information.
Last, you showed, since June, an obvious unwillingness to fight with other members of the ARMI, up to refuse the request of the clan leader to join him and fight under the banner of ARMI.
These statements are to be added to a lack of effort toward the other members, outside battles: you do not contact them spontaneously when you get connected to NTW, or just to exchange a few words, etc..
Of course, you have three qualities, and you:
- are a very good sailor;
- like contacts and sent most of the invitations in the ARMI's Steam page;
- are a nice person, taken as an individual.
However, these qualities do not outweigh the disadvantages of your behavior because:
- as a very good sailor, you do nothing to benefit the clan of your value, but rather the allies that you select outside the clan (Wadmore, 95th, etc..). If your choice of partners is normally not the ARMI's affair, it becomes its matter when such choice prevents you to fulfill your clan member elementary obligations.
In addition, the few fights that you played under the ARMI's flag showed that you had difficulty to obey the group discipline.
- Being the best sender of invitations in our Steam page does not exempt you of your basic clan member obligations who should be your priority;
- The most pleasant fellow, but who mocks others and rules of group life, is not useful to any group.
You have been allocated many weeks to adapt your behavior and to the Armée Impériale. With a basic effort on your part, we could have studied together how to highlight your qualities for the best profit of the group. Unfortunately, you did not consent to this effort nor start any discussion concerning your possible problems in the group. This is a pity, for the ARMI had great expectations on you, as one of its key members.
In hindsight, it is hard to understand why you entered the Armée Impériale: you do not seem interested either by the clan discipline, by the concept "Imperial State + Military career", by the historical period, or by the art of war, or by learning the bases of French language, at least applied to our common field of interest.
I think that you will be able to blossom more in Steam groups whose members share at least one thing in common: having been invited by someone else. Maybe some pirates group may suit better your interests.
I am therefore sorry to inform you of the end of your ARMI citizenship, as an active member. In addition, you will be excluded from our Steam page, until next September 30, in order to give you time for thinking.
If you want then to come back either as an associate member - but if the Steam page keeps its current form (?) - or as an active one, the door will be still open for you from 1st October on. In the latter case, it is provided that you would observe, this time *strictly* and without delay, the Armée Impériale's basic and so reasonable obligations.
Truly yours, Scotty.
DDS, on behalf of
Hugues-Bernard Maret
Secrétaire d'Etat
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